ESP Biography
WILLIAM LITTLE, Day job? sysadmin. Rest of my life? oddities.
Major: Information Technology College/Employer: Montclair State University Year of Graduation: 2018 |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
As a previous MIT Splash student, I love supporting alternative thinking. I decided several years ago that I wanted to teach those who are willing to learn about the maker movement, rapid prototyping, data centers, and more. I like to think of it as spreading the best contagion possible. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)E11589: 3D Printing, Fabrication, And You! in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
3D printing has grown in popularity over a very short period of time and is one of the most popular pieces of equipment in the maker movement! But wait, what is the maker movement? what is open source? what is all of this about? and apparently lasers and something called "CNC Milling" are involved too? what is all of this?
In this class, I will be talking about all of the above! We'll dive into 3D printing with a live printing demonstration and move into CNC milling and laser cutting. We'll then look at the bigger picture with home manufacturing, independence, and the maker movement! Get ready to smell the smell of progress as we melt some plastic and get creative.
E10938: What Is 3D Printing And The Maker Movement? (With lasers & CNC Milling, Oh My!) in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
3D printing has grown in popularity over a very short period of time and is one of the most popular pieces of equipment in the maker movement! But wait, what is the maker movement? what is open source? what is all of this about? and apparently lasers and something called "CNC Milling" are involved too? what is all of this?
In this class, I will be talking about all of the above! We'll dive into 3D printing with a live printing demonstration and move into CNC milling and laser cutting. We'll then look at the bigger picture with home manufacturing, independence, and the maker movement! Get ready to smell the smell of progress as we melt some plastic and get creative.
E9702: What Is 3D Printing And The Maker Movement? (With lasers & CNC Milling, Oh My!) in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
3D printing has grown in popularity over a very short period of time and is one of the most popular pieces of equipment in the maker movement! But wait, what is the maker movement? what is open source? what is all of this about? and apparently lasers and something called "CNC Milling" are involved too? what is all of this?
In this class, I will be talking about all of the above! We'll dive into 3D printing with a live printing demonstration and move into CNC milling and laser cutting. We'll then look at the bigger picture with home manufacturing, independence, and the maker movement! Get ready to smell the smell of progress as we melt some plastic and get creative.
E8496: What's The Deal With 3D Printing? (Now with LASERS!) in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
The world's media has been going crazy over 3D printers every now and then, but what's so special about them? What can you do with them, and how?
In this class I will show you the practical sides of 3D printing. I'll show you the current consumer grade printers available to the public as well as talk about the massive printers used by companies such as ShapeWays. I will also show you what some of the current issues and limitations are and how they're being improved upon, including a live demo featuring 3D printers made by Solidoodle! By the end of this class you will have a foundation to build upon to start 3D printing on your own. I will present several sources for printer control software, modeling software, 3D modeling communities, printer manufacturers, and more!
I will also go over some of the basics of 3D modeling, as well as talk a little bit about the home manufacturing revolution with laser cutters and CNC machines as well as 3D printers to make just about anything you need!
C8497: Let's Talk About Servers And Networking in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
If you are reading this then you are on the internet. You have requested information from a server which has now sent that information to your computer that is displaying the information in the form of this very description! This class will teach you how this is done, as well as some of the basics in what servers are, how they work, how the internet works, and above all: how to host game servers and other services of your own! Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, Web Servers, database servers (MySQL), email servers, and more!
There will be a great deal of resources being shown in this class so that you can do these things on your own to get started in the world of servers and networking. I will talk about (and tell you how to get) VMware's ESXi operating system, computer-based firewall software such as Slackwall, Linux operating systems popularly used in a server environment such as Solaris, CentOS, Oracle Linux, etc. and more! We will even get a chance to work with a rack server and some networking equipment. Expect a wide range of topics from why some game servers have lag while others don't, all the way up to what it takes to make it so your home hosted website can be accessed by the outside world.
C7336: What Makes The Internet Work? in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
Let's open up the internet and see what's what! In this class I'll be showing you how things like how Minecraft and Team Fortress 2 servers are accessible to you from anywhere around the world, how websites such as Facebook are able to handle so much traffic, why domain names exist, what kind of hardware goes into your daily browsing, all the way down to why there's no place like! (or for some people, there's no place like ~)
Put on your nerd/geek hats! You'll be in for a wild technical ride.
Only a small portion of this class is going to be a presentation. Try to think up some questions/discussions/rants to bring up! We'll have plenty of time for talking.
X7339: What's The Deal With 3D Printing? in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
Well, the title says it all. What's the deal? What is it about 3D printers? How can you get in on this crazy new thing? What can you do with it? What about printing on a cellular level? Why can't we print bacon yet?
In this class, I'll be covering both the theoretical and practical sides of 3D printing. We'll talk about how the printers themselves work, how they've evolved in the past few years, and what's coming up in the future of 3D printing.
There will be a bit of presentation time, a bit of hands on with a 3D printer AND plenty of discussion time and time to toss around a few 3D printed creations.
C7340: Let's Talk About Servers And Server Hosting! in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
In this class I'll be explaining the practical side of servers. I'll be answering questions such as "those big humming boxes in a dark room, what do they do?" And "why do I lag on some game servers but don't lag on others?" And most importantly, "how do I do all of this myself?"
Well, I can't tell you how to do everything you want to do, but I can point you in the right direction and give you an introduction! We'll be looking at some cheap hardware and free software that may help you understand some of the more power hungry tasks that these marvelous creations handle. Want to host a Minecraft server? Sure! File server? Web server? Mail server? MySQL server? All possible with very little budget, as long as you're willing to stretch your mind muscles a bit.
C6087: What Makes Everything On The Internet Work? in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
What happens when you log into Facebook? Or place a bid on eBay? Or check your email? Or send a tweet? Or anything else that you do on the internet? This talk will give you an explanation on how everything works, what makes it all tick, and why some very powerful hardware is needed for everything. Prepare to have your mind blown as I show you the inner workings of the technological world we live in!
X6088: What is a Brony? An introduction to My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic and why it's not just for children in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
So, if you've spent any time on the internet, you've probably seen this "Brony" thing going around. What is it? Why are young men and women usually between the ages of 12 and 30 loving this "My Little Pony" show? What's so great about it?
Before you go flipping any tables about it, I'm here to help. During this talk, I'll be taking you through the ropes of why grown men like the show, what this show really is, and what this craziness is all about!
C6089: How To Host Servers! in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
Onto the advanced side of the computer realm!
Let's say you like working with computers, what's next? You can only do so much with what you work with. What's the next step?
Servers! The reason why the Internet, the stock market, and everything else digitally connected is able to work!
Maybe you're a bit of a gamer, and you want to be the cool person who can <i>make</i> your own server. You want to ride pigs with your friends in Minecraft or bonk Heavy's in Team Fortress 2 on a server you can call your own. Or maybe you want to be on the more serious side by hosting your own website or your own "cloud" system!
Of course this is a lot to cover, I'm going to give you the basic knowledge of what it takes to make and run your own server (usually for free!) and have fun in the process.
A6090: An Introduction To Claymations in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
Have you seen Coraline, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Wallace and Grommit, or any other frame-by-frame based movie? Have you ever wondered what goes into making such amazing works of art?
In this class, I'll not only show you what claymation is and how to do it, but I'll be letting you all try it yourselves! Plan to have some fun and get your hands dirty while making your own animations.
Bring a flash drive if you want to save your work!
A5136: How To Make Stop Motions And Claymations! in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
Have you ever seen animated movies such as Coraline, The Nightmare Before Christmas, or Wallace And Grommit? In this course you will learn the meticulous work that goes into those movies, and how you can make your own short video with nothing but a computer and a webcam/camera!