ESP Biography
NATALIE KHALATOV-KRIMNUS, Lawyer / Congressional staffer who loves teaching
Major: Not available. College/Employer: Revere High School Year of Graduation: Not available. |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Completed Undergrad in NYS, then joined AmeriCorps NCCC and built houses for a year after Katrina before attending law school. Moved to MA and worked as an attorney for a year before accepting a Congressional Fellowship at the start of the 112th Congress. Returned to Massachusetts to indoctrinate high-schoolers with my infectious passion for law government. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)Z7961: The Gender Gap in Politics in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
Last I checked women make up about 50% of the US population yet they hold only 18 percent of seats in U.S. Congress, 23 percent of statewide elected offices.
Why? Forget sexism. Only 26% of women seek out elected office.
This class will discuss research behind why more women run for office, what research says about the ones that do, and what you can do to make a difference.
H6792: Speedy Delivery: An Introduction to Ethics, the Trolley Car Problem, and Why We Can't Have Nice Things in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
This class is an introduction to moral reasoning. It's the kind of class you might take as a first year law student. It's the kind of class that makes you question how rational people really are - if murder is ever justified - what 'justice' actually means and if and how it's different from "an eye for an eye."
In this class you will be called to analyze your own beliefs about responsibility, duty, justice, and the good life. Come prepared to be affected by what we discuss and uncover.
S4863: AP US Government and Politics in Delve 2011-2012 (Sep. 18, 2011)
The AP Government & Politics: United States course provides an analytical perspective on government and politics in the United States. This course involves both the study of general concepts used to interpret U.S. politics and the analysis of specific case studies. It also requires familiarity with the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that constitute U.S. political reality. While there is no single approach that an AP Government & Politics: United States course must follow, certain topics are generally covered in college courses. (