ESP Biography
Major: 8/6-2 College/Employer: MIT Year of Graduation: 2018 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Not Available. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)S11251: A Brief Intro to Quantum Mechanics in HSSP Spring 2017 (Feb. 18, 2017)
From the stability of the human genome to the processor that is in your smart-phone and everything in between, quantum mechanics is at the crux of all modern science; not to mention that some of its consequences are simply mind-blowing! Yet, some aspects of quantum mechanics are so counterintuitive that to some it may seem hard to understand. To remedy this, we have designed a class which aims to leave the student with a deeper understanding and appreciation of quantum mechanics from both a practical and abstract standpoint. Starting from the basic framework of QM we will cover topics like: entanglement, tunneling, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, wave-particle duality, and more. Each topic will be accompanied with a theoretical explanation, a description of an experimental realization and/or a technological application. By the end of this class hopefully we will have inspired you to further your understanding of this crazy thing called quantum mechanics, and also we hope we will have given you the tools to do so!
S10256: Parallels between Art and Physics: the Makings of an Intellectual Revolution in HSSP Spring 2016 (Feb. 20, 2016)
Art and physics, for most, seem like disparate fields. However, the same revolutionary ideas that broke stylistic molds for artists also inspired tectonic shifts in our understanding of physical reality. If you’ve ever walked into an art museum and felt intimidated by paintings with random splashes of color and felt like you couldn’t discern any reasonable meaning, it’s probably because the composition challenges your very understanding of light, space, and time. This is the same feeling that many students have when confronted with Einstein’s theory of relativity and Schrödinger’s quantum mechanics. These proven physical theories challenge our intuition and bring into question our standard definitions of light, space, time, and even matter.
In our HSSP class, we (an art enthusiast and a fledgling physicist) will aim to dissect the modern paradigm shift in thought around the early 20th century and onward by exploring connections underlying modern art and physics. Since this class really aims at understanding the roots of an intellectual revolution, there will be an emphasis on in-class activities focused on getting into the mindset of the pioneering artists and physicists of the 20th century. This may include but is not limited to active discussions, hands-on art projects, and group problem solving. We will also spend time on developing some theoretical background in special relativity and quantum mechanics to understand their implications and how they change our perception of reality. Come with an open mind and an enthusiasm to learn. We hope to challenge you to explore new perspectives and look forward to learning from you as well!
S10269: The Physics of Modern Technology: AM Radio in HSSP Spring 2016 (Feb. 20, 2016)
This class aims at teaching, over a six week period, the underlying physics behind one of the most important technological advances of the 20th century: A.M. radio. Throughout the course we will develop the fundamental mathematics and physics necessary to understand how our society sends terabytes of wireless information daily. Some of the topics covered will be: antenna physics, electromagnetic radiation (in vacuum and in media), basic circuit analysis, and signal demodulation. Each class will contain a combination of lecture, group problem solving (to wrestle with the more mathematical concepts) and labs (where the students demonstrate the concepts just learned). At the end of the course, students will synthesize everything they have learned by creating their own A.M. radio. Hopefully, at the end students will take away a deeper understanding of the advances that have enabled so much of our modern technology, fostering a more profound interest in and appreciation of how our world works.