ESP Biography
JUSTIN WONG, Researcher in Formal Verification
Major: Computer Science College/Employer: MIT Year of Graduation: G |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
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This lecture intends to introduce students to the language of Organic Chemistry through an in depth discussion of ring structures. Specifically, we will explore pericyclic reactions (sigmatrophic rearrangement, electrocyclic., and cycloaddition) and aromatic compounds. Students should expect to gain a deeper understanding of molecular orbital theory, and the principles and methods used in organic synthesis.
M12418: A Headfirst Dive Into "Mathematical Logic" in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
The meaning of term "Mathematical Logic" is fairly non-trivial. Mathematical logic is, on the one hand, the study of the logic of mathematics rigorizing the notions of "proof" and "example" in the framework of formal logic. But Mathematical logic is also the application of mathematical methods to logic using tools such as induction and set theory to proof meta-theorems about logic. It is even the application of logic to solving (somewhat) concrete math problems. In this course we will discuss all these flavors of mathematical logic as we introduce the basic concepts of completeness, consistency, satisfiability, and categoricity, discuss foundational results linking model theory (the study of examples) to proof theory (the study of formal proofs), then investigate the limitations of first-order logic, and finally prove Godel's momentous incompleteness theorem of first-order arithmetic. On the way, we will naturally develop foundational ideas about the theory of computation and how decidability and incompleteness are intricately linked. Time permitting, we will discuss applications of mathematical logic to problems in algebraic geometry such as the Ax-Grothendieck theorem and Lefschetz principle.
E12580: Casual Conversation on Concurrency in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
You and your homies are given a group project so you split up the work into tasks and let each person pick what they want. The due date arrives and your group unveils their masterpiece. But pride turns to horror when you realize that everybody chose the same task! Sound familiar? Well ... no ... not to me either. Come for a casual introduction to how computers know how "not to be that guy" by managing parallel operations and concurrent execution.
C12586: Basic Complexity Theory in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
We will define formal languages, (deterministic, one-tape) Turing machines, and give the verifier-based definition of NP. We will then discuss the ideas of undecidability (briefly), reduction, and completeness, giving several examples. A potential auxiliary topic, depending on interest, is the equivalence of the verifier-based and machine definitions of NP.
M12587: Why P vs. NP isn't trivial in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
We will begin with the basics, defining I/O Turing machines and discussing what it means for a problem to require some amount of time or space, and giving central foundational results/techniques like the hierarchy theorems and diagonalization, and some applications. Afterwards, we will define oracle Turing machines and discuss the concept of completeness. We will conclude the main part of the course by showing that techniques like diagonalization cannot separate P and NP - in particular, any proof of their inequivalence cannot relativize. As time permits, we will look at other notable complexity classes lying between P and PSPACE, e.g. PH, BQP, and IP.
S11141: Organic Chemistry through the Lens of Aromaticity in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
This lecture intends to introduce students to the language of Organic Chemistry through an in depth discussion of right structures. Specifically, we will explore pericyclic reactions (sigmatrophic rearrangement, electrocyclic., and cycloaddition) and aromatic compounds. Students should expect to gain a deeper understanding of molecular orbital theory, and the principles and methods used in organic synthesis