ESP Biography
CHRISTINE HAMADANI, A graduate bioengineering student praying for data
Major: Bioengineering College/Employer: Harvard Year of Graduation: G1 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
I graduated from Boston University in May 2016 where I studied Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, with coursework in Biomedical Engineering. I am pursuing graduate study which combines both awesome tech stuff as well as life sciences, and my research is in the general field of tissue regeneration utilizing cell biology and biochemical principles based on the foundation of neuroscience. tldr; trying to make dead hair cells functional again in the ear so y'all can hear again. YW Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)S11472: Quantitative Chemistry and Regenerative Biology in HSSP Summer 2017 (Jul. 09, 2017)
We will go over the mathematical and quantitative aspects of chemistry such as acid-base, kinematics, how enzymes work, and what really happens on a biochemical level to cause diseases. We will cover the neuro-biochemical basis of a broad variety of diseases, such as Schizophrenia, Parkinson’s, and Amnesia. Our second half will carry over into the biological aspect. How does tissue regeneration really work? We will cover neurological basis of repair, such as in auditory hair cells, and will also detail situations that go awry: the mechanisms of cancer in which there is too much cell replication.
S10850: Acid-Base Chemistry in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Come learn acid base chemistry!
In addition to detailing the theory behind acid-base reactions, we'll
actually apply the theory, tying each part of the class to the real
world. Learn how acid and base theory can be applied to make food
products and additives, pharmaceuticals, and cleaning products. Learn
why and how drain cleaners work, and why NaHCO3 seems to clean